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We're all called to give and serve the Church, the body of Christ. There are many ways we can love and serve the Church, such as our faithful tithing, volunteering our precious time, and through using our creative gifts to express the heart of God (All of which God has generously blessed us with). Our unique and passionate service is a means by which people will be changed by God's life-giving message. See below for opportunities for you to give!


Online Tithing Now Available!


To better serve our church family, online tithing is now available! If you prefer a traditional means of giving, tithes can be dropped off at the church, mailed to the church, or can be picked up by one of our Deacons if more convenient for you. If you need more information, please speak to our pastor or click the "Prayer Request" icon at the bottom right of the screen to chat with one of our leaders.


Whether you have a passion to teach, a talent with which to serve, have a heart to assist, or you feel God leading you to volunteer of your time and/or resources.. We have a place and an opportunity for you!


As a church striving to carry out the Great Commission and serve the community, we have several groups and events sponsored through the church which rely on the faithful serving and giving of it's members.


If you'd like more information, or are currently seeking an area in which to serve, please speak to our Pastor, a Teacher, or one of our Deacons.

What Is a Tithe?

A tithe is 10% of your income given specifically to the church. Because the custom of tithing is biblical, most Christians practice it as part of their faith. And while it’s important to give your time and your talents by doing things to serve the church and others, the word tithing refers to giving money.


According to Leviticus 27:30, “Every tenth of the land’s produce, grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the Lord; it is holy to the Lord.” And Proverbs 3:9 says, “Honor the Lord with your possessions and with the first produce of your entire harvest.” These verses are essentially saying to give a portion, specifically a tenth, of your income back to God. And "first produce" is just a biblical way of saying that you should give first—before you do anything else with your money - That we should make tithing a priority.


Why Tithe?

The Bible tells us that tithing is a way to show that we trust God with our lives and our finances. But the tithe wasn’t put in place for God’s benefit—He already owns everything. He doesn’t need our money. Instead, tithing is meant for our benefit because sacrificing a portion of our income helps us look outside our selfishness and makes us more aware of the needs of others.


In fact, one of the main purposes of tithing is to support the needs of pastors and the work of the local church. Tithes help pay the pastor’s salary, keep the church’s lights on, and meet the needs of the community.


Tithing is an act of faith that helps us keep our priorities straight. It reminds us that we don’t own anything in this life. God is in control, and we’re only managers of what He’s given us.


Ever notice how unselfish people tend to make better spouses, friends, relatives, employees and employers? Yeah, they usually have better finances too! That’s the beauty of tithing. We don’t give to get, but God often blesses us with more if we’re good managers of what we already have. Tithing recognizes that God is our provider and that we will prosper with more than just money if we rely on Him.


Many see tithing, through the a distorted perspective, as an obligation. Ask any follower who faithfully tithes of their income, and you'll hear that not only is it an opportunity to give, but a blessing in many ways as well.


Partial Source Credit: Dave Ramsey; Tithes and Offerings: Your Questions, Answered


Enon Baptist Church is always making efforts to better serve God, the Church Body, and the Community. As the Body of Christ, we are called to be active in our faith, and in His Love, Grace, and Mercy! If you have any suggestions or know of any specific need that God has made you aware of, in which the church might serve that purpose, please share with us!

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